Manon Phlipon, Madame ROLAND (1754-1793) the muse of the Gir - Lot 326

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Manon Phlipon, Madame ROLAND (1754-1793) the muse of the Gir - Lot 326
Manon Phlipon, Madame ROLAND (1754-1793) the muse of the Girondins, she was guillotined. L.A.S. "P.", [Sainte-Pélagie about October 5, 1793], to Jany [MENTELLE, professor of geography at the École militaire]; 3 pages in-8. Magnificent letter, written from prison a month before his death, about the copies to be made of his Appeal to posterity. She worries about her friend's hiding place, and would like another confidant to know her. "If you see my friend Bc [BOSC] it would be necessary that he takes charge of copying; but, I know only two ways of doing it, one, the one I would like best, to work at your place, in a corner, at the hours which would be convenient for you, and to take only the double which he would have made and which he would hide on his side. The other, to take one notebook at a time, to sew it into a garment, to copy it in his retreat and then return the original to you, never risking more than one notebook... B. comes and goes, but she is ready to indicate her "niche"... Then she wonders about Mrs. PÉTION's situation: "Slander had not affected her, she did not excite envy and I do not see by which one could lose her. I feel that her fault is to have seen the business up close; she is a witness to be silenced. Perverts! Isn't history always there, and haven't the secret horrors of tyrants always been known? - B. is accused of having, with Roland and his wife, concerted an office to corrupt the public mind. The beautiful jewel in their crown! She ends by evoking the last wave of indictments of deputies (October 3), and the precedent of the arrest of the Girondins (June 2): "I am not surprised at the resignation with which the last blow was received; it was on June 2 that those who would have had courage had the opportunity to show it. After what they let happen then, they are made to be led to the slaughter, I have little pity for those, but I despise even more those who are tolerated"...
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