BEAUTIFUL HANDBOOK of various works / some with consignments - Lot 226

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BEAUTIFUL HANDBOOK of various works / some with consignments - Lot 226
BEAUTIFUL HANDBOOK of various works / some with consignments and proof of print, sold as is, no claims -Paris lost, 40 years of upheavals of the city, Editions Carré, Paris, 1991In-4 Work documented with many photos -La Griffe et la dent, Editions Denoël, 1977, In-8 -BOURDU Robert, Arbres de mémoire, Georges Feterman, Editions Actes sud, 1998, In-4 -NOËL Bernard, Marseille/ New York 1940-1945, Editions André Dimanche, 1985 -VALENTIN Antonina, The drama of Albert Einstein, Librairie Plon, 1954, In-12 -FOUCHET Max-Paul, Un jour, je m'en souviens, mémoire parlée , Edition Mercure France, 1968, In-12 PARAF Pierre, Rendez-vous Africains, Editions René Lacoste, with dispatch from the author 1953 NIZAN Paul, Les chiffres de garde, Editions François Maspero, 1960 BARNAVI Elie, Lettre ouverte aux juifs de France, editions Stock Bayard, 2002 VEIL Simone, Une vie, editions Stock, 2007 CREMINEUX-BRILHAC Jean-Louis, Boris George, Trente ans d'influence, editions Gallimard 2010 SEGHERS Pierre, The Resistance and its poets, France 1940-1945, Editions Seghers, 1974 TRIOLET Elsa, Le cheval Blanc, Egloff, Paris, 1945, with a letter from the author JACOB Max, Correspondences, Editions de Paris, 1953 VIDRAC Charles, D'après l'écho, Editions Albin Michel, 1949, with a letter from the author VIDRAC Charles, Russie Neuve, Editions Emile Paul Frères, 1937 VIDRAC Charles, pages de journal, 1922-1966, editions Gallimard, 1968 VIDRAC CHarle, Correspondances, December 1995, les cahiers de l'Abbaye de Créteil, 1995 LOEWENSTEIN Rudolph, Psychoanalysis of anti-Semitism, preface by Nicolas Weil, Editions Perspectives crtiques, 2001 (in two copies) RONSARD, oeuvres Complètes, foreword, notes, glossary by Gustave Cohen, Bibliothèque de la Pleiade, 1938 GIRAUDOUX Jean, La Menteuse, Editions Grasset, 1969 DE RICHAUD André, La douleur SCHNEIDER, Le voir et le savoir, essai sur Nicolas Poussin, Mercure France edition, 1964 with a letter from the author TORGA Miguel, Arche, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Presse universitaire de France BOULGAKOV Mikhaïl, The Master and Margarita, Edition Robert Lafon 1968 GIRAUDOUX Jean, Lettres à Lilita, edition établie, présentée et anotée par Maurice Berne, Edition Gallimard, 1989 PIGNON Edouard, La quète de la réalité, reflexion of a painter on the actual meaning of the artistic creation, editions Gonthier, 1966, with sending VERCORS, Sillages, Edition presse de la cité, 1972, with sending of the author VERCORS, Monsieur Prousthe, un souvenr, editions Albin Michel, 1958, with shipment from the author VERCORS, Comme un Frère, edition Plon, 1973, with shipment from the author VERCORS, La bataille du Silence, souvenir de Minuit, Edition Presse de la ciité, 1967, with a letter from the author SIGNORET Simone, Le lendemain, elle était souriante..., edition Seuil, 1979, with a letter from the author SIGNORET Simone, La nostalgie n'est plus ce qu'elle était, edition Seuil, 1976, with a mailing from the author PHILIPE Gérard, Memories and testimonies collected by Anne Philipe and presented by Claude Roy, edition Gallimard, 1960 GIRAUDOUX Jean, A la recherche de la Bella, Edition A lège à la lampe d'aladin, 1926 COMTE DE VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM, Histoire insolites, Librairie Moderne, 1888 MILLER Arthur, Focus, 1947, numbered 484, with author's mailing DECOUR Jacques, Comme je vous on donne l'exemple, presented by Aragon, Editions sociales, 1945 TOURGUENIEV Ivan, Memory of a hunter, Editions Bossard, 1929 DABIT Eugène, Un mort tout neuf, Edition Gallimard, 1934 CHOLOKHOV Mikhail, The peaceful gift, Edition René Julliard, Pris, 1961 DE GOURMONT Remy, Sixtine, drawings by G. d'Espagnat, La connaissance, 1922 DE LACRETELLE Jacques, Silbermann, Editions in-octavo, Paris, 1927 DE LACRETELLE Jacques, Ten days in Ermenonville, with woodcut vignettes by Alfred Latour, Edition Le livre, 1926 GOETHE, Nouvelle suivie de trois contes, Edition du Carrefour 1831 (each footer cut out) COMTE DE GOBINEAU, La fleur d'or, Edition Bernard Grasset, 1924 C.F RAMUZ, Le règne de l'esprit malin, Edition J. BUDRY & Cie, Paris ROZET Georges, la bourgogne Tastevin en main, editions Horizons de France, Paris, 1949 SUARES Anré, Voyage du conttière, vers Venise, Edition Emile Paul Frères, 1917, numbered 2 236 TARDIEU Jean, Figures, editions Gallimard, 1944, numbered 892 SCHNEIDER Pierre, l'unique source, Mercure de France edition, 1959, with a letter from the author GIRAUDOUX Jean, C
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