
VATICAN - Lot 106

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Lot 106
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Estimation :
120 - 150 EUR
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Result : 120EUR
VATICAN - Lot 106
VATICAN Reunion of six silver medals (800), five of them in their cases with the papal coat of arms: - Celebration of the eighth year of the pontificate of Pope Paul VI. Obverse: the Supreme Pontiff at prayer; "PAULUS VI PONT. MAX. - ANNO VIII". Reverse: Last Supper of Jesus and his disciples at Emmaus, inscription "L SACERDOTII CELEBRANS NATALEM - COMNE BONUM NOBIS CHRISTUS EST" between two ichtus. Signed E. MANFRINI. - Year VIIII of the pontificate of Paul VI. Obverse: right profile of Paul VI; inscription "PAULUS VI PONT. MAX. ANNO VIII" around the edge. Reverse: the Good Shepherd and his lambs; "COGNITO MEAS ET COGNOSCUNT ME MEAE". - Celebration of the tenth year of Paul VI's pontificate. Obverse: portrait of the Supreme Pontiff in profile to the left, with the inscription "PAULUS VI PONT. MAX. ANNO X". Reverse: Jesus takes the hand of a fisherman holding a net in his left hand and brings a boat ashore behind him; around him is the inscription "RELICTIS OMNIBUS SECUTI SUNT EUM (Lc 5,11)"; signed A. BERTI. - Celebration of the XIth year of Paul VI's pontificate (1973). Obverse: Paul VI with his crozier, in profile, blessing. PAULUS VI P.M. - ANNO XI". Olive branch on left. Reverse: Saint Paul on horseback; at bottom "MCMLXXIII - OPUS LELLI SCORZELLI". - Oval medal celebrating the XIIth year of Paul VI's pontificate. Obverse: Paul VI in profile, left, wearing the mitre, "PAULUS VI PONT MAX ANNO XII" around the rim. Reverse: The Last Supper. - Celebration of the thirteenth year of Paul VI's pontificate. Obverse: Paul VI in profile, left, wearing a skullcap. Inscription "PAULUS VI P.M. - ANNO XIII". Reverse: Dove of peace with wings spread, reading "IUSTITIA PAX ET GAUDIUM - IN SPIRITU SANCTO". Weight: 306 g.
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