• Discover of a rare paiting of the old master Grégoire Guérard !
    Discover of a rare paiting of the old master Grégoire Guérard !
    Adjugé 105 000€
    Grégoire GUERARD
    Actif entre la Champagne et la Bourgogne de 1512 à 1538.
    Sainte Catherine d’Alexandrie
  • Adjugé 36 000 € sans frais
    Atelier de FRANCKEN Frans II dit le jeune
    et Atelier de Jan BREUGHEL I ou Jan BREUGHEL II
    (Anvers 1581 - id. ; 1642)
  • Attribué à Giovanni Battista RUOPPOLO (1629-1693)
    Adjugé 800 000 €

Old masters

Le département Tableaux anciens inclus également les dessins, estampes et icônes. Il retrace toute l’histoire de l’art classique jusqu’aux années 1815 et couvre toutes les grandes écoles : italiennes, françaises et écoles du Nord... Peintures religieuse, mythologique, historique, scène de genre, nature morte, paysage, marine & portrait ouvrent généralement les ventes de Mobilier & Objets d’art mais font parfois l’objet de ventes spécialisées.

Ces vacations dédiées aux maîtres anciens attirent les collectionneurs avertis du monde entier mais aussi les musées et institutions culturelles à la recherche de trésors. L’artiste et la provenance sont autant de facteurs qui influent sur la valeur d’une œuvre. Tout le monde est susceptible de posséder des objets intéressants et la légende du tableau de maître oublié n’est pas un mythe, C’est ainsi que nous avons vendu une très belle nature morte aux cédrats, oranges, asperges et artichauts attribuée à Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo à 800 000€.

Si vous souhaitez faire estimer vos objets, veuillez nous envoyer par email (ou wetransfer) une liste avec le détail et des photographies des objets. Nous traiterons votre demande dans les meilleurs délais et pourrons, si vous le souhaitez, intégrer vos lots dans une prochaine vacation.

Notre département travaille en collaboration depuis de nombreuses années avec l’expert en tableaux anciens Patrice Dubois.


Modern Art & Greek Art

Modern Art & Greek Art

Wednesday 08 December 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Tableaux anciens, Mobilier, Objets d'art & Civilisations

Tableaux anciens, Mobilier, Objets d'art & Civilisations

Wednesday 01 December 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Wednesday 27 October 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Summer online auction - Ancient Paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Summer online auction - Ancient Paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Monday 13 September 2021 at 14h00
Summer Online Sale - Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th, Modern and Contemporary

Summer Online Sale - Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th, Modern and Contemporary

Thursday 09 September 2021 at 14h00
Stock market gold, classical interior & Freemasonry

Stock market gold, classical interior & Freemasonry

Tuesday 20 July 2021 at 11h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Modern Art & Greek Art

Modern Art & Greek Art

Wednesday 07 July 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Antique paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Antique paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Thursday 24 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Classic interior

Classic interior

Thursday 10 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Thursday 03 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th century, Modern and Contemporary

Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th century, Modern and Contemporary

Wednesday 05 May 2021 at 14h00
Classic interior

Classic interior

Thursday 29 April 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Modern & Contemporary Art

Modern & Contemporary Art

Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Antique paintings, Musical instruments, Furniture & Works of art

Antique paintings, Musical instruments, Furniture & Works of art

Thursday 08 April 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Wednesday 03 March 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini , 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Classic interior

Classic interior

Tuesday 23 February 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, XIXth, Modern and Contemporary

Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, XIXth, Modern and Contemporary

Monday 25 January 2021 at 14h00
Sort by year 2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 1970
Modern Art & Greek Art

Modern Art & Greek Art

Wednesday 08 December 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Tableaux anciens, Mobilier, Objets d'art & Civilisations

Tableaux anciens, Mobilier, Objets d'art & Civilisations

Wednesday 01 December 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Wednesday 27 October 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Summer online auction - Ancient Paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Summer online auction - Ancient Paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Monday 13 September 2021 at 14h00
Summer Online Sale - Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th, Modern and Contemporary

Summer Online Sale - Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th, Modern and Contemporary

Thursday 09 September 2021 at 14h00
Stock market gold, classical interior & Freemasonry

Stock market gold, classical interior & Freemasonry

Tuesday 20 July 2021 at 11h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Modern Art & Greek Art

Modern Art & Greek Art

Wednesday 07 July 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Antique paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Antique paintings, Civilizations, Furniture & Works of Art

Thursday 24 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Classic interior

Classic interior

Thursday 10 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Thursday 03 June 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th century, Modern and Contemporary

Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, 19th century, Modern and Contemporary

Wednesday 05 May 2021 at 14h00
Classic interior

Classic interior

Thursday 29 April 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Modern & Contemporary Art

Modern & Contemporary Art

Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 14h30
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Antique paintings, Musical instruments, Furniture & Works of art

Antique paintings, Musical instruments, Furniture & Works of art

Thursday 08 April 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

19th century, modern and contemporary paintings and sculptures

Wednesday 03 March 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini , 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Classic interior

Classic interior

Tuesday 23 February 2021 at 14h00
Salle Rossini, 7, rue Rossini 75009 Paris
Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, XIXth, Modern and Contemporary

Paintings, Sculptures, Lithographs, XIXth, Modern and Contemporary

Monday 25 January 2021 at 14h00

Outstanding bids


Responsable de département :

Astrid de Saint-Pern
01 53 34 55 29 – astrid.desaintpern@rossini.fr

Experts :

Patrice Dubois
Tableaux et dessins anciens
Membre du Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels
en Œuvre d'Art et Objets de Collection (SFEP)

Sylvie Collignon
Estampes anciennes et modernes
Membre du Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels
en Œuvre d'Art et Objets de Collection (SFEP)

Jacques De Pas
Membre de la Fédération Nationale des Experts Professionnels
Spécialisés en Art